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St. Augustine Enters the Twenty First Century

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What We Learn

From this book, one can learn what is indeed old and what features have been introduced over time. Sections on black history, religion and our precious coastline are included along with a look at traditional historic sites and evolving landmarks.

What This Volume Covers

This volume covers the past three decades of change covering the ’80s, ’90s and into 2000. It is a companion piece to St. Augustine and St. Johns County: A Pictorial History published in 1980 covering the five decades leading to the founding of St. Augustine and the subsequent survival of America’s first continuously occupied European settlement.

Striving to Preserve History

The new volume of 224 pages and 233 color and black and white photos provides insights into recent changes in the Oldest City. While striving to preserve its history and heritage, the town continues to keep in step with inevitable growth and development.

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